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Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten Programs


Educational Experience

Preschoolers and Pre-Kindergarteners enjoy a variety of enrichment and educational activities throughout the day at Rebecca's Learning Center. The teachers prepare detailed daily lesson plans for a 75 minute circle time, and share these plans on a monthly basis with parents for their review. 


Lesson Plans consist of, at a minimum:

  • Letters:  upper & lower case (recognizing and writing letters) 

  • Numbers:  counting 1-100 (recognizing and writing, counting by 5, 10, etc.) 

  • Shapes:  recognizing, drawing shapes 

  • Colors:  recognizing and distinguishing b/w, light & dark 

  • Language Development: discuss themes, practice writing their own books, listening to simple/hard stories. 

  • Games: developing game skills (ex. taking turns, sharing, listening & following directions) 

  • Name/Address/Phone/Birthday: recognizing & writing full name; saying Address/Phone/Birthday 

  • Cutting: simple cutting skills 

  • Music & Movement: Finger Plays, developing large motor skills (i.e., dancing, parachute, etc.) 

  • Calendar/Seasons:  recognizing & saying months, distinguishing holidays within the month 

  • Simple Math: adding, subtraction skills 

  • Science: cooking & hands on experiments 

  • Word for the Month: such as Mom, Dad, I, Love, You, Bus, Cold, Hot, Yes, No, Please, Thank You 

  • Pledge of Allegiance: children say the Pledge together daily

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Graduation and Portfolios

At Graduation your child will receive a "Literacy Portfolio" capturing the year's memories, projects and progress, carefully prepared for you with the guidance of your child's teacher.  Year after year, parents (and kids) tell us they treasure these portfolios, as they provide a snapshot of the child's school days and development at that stage of their life.


Parents of Preschooler & Pre-K students will receive:

  • Happy Notes 

  • Child's Creations (Art, Projects) 

  • Evaluations 

  • Literacy Portfolios 

  • Diploma on Graduation Day




Daily Schedule

Morning Program

7-8:50: Arrival/Free Play, Greeting children, Breakfast (served till 8:00a.m.)
8:50-9:00: Clean up, Diaper change/Potty Time
9:00-10:15: Circle Time: At this time we sing good morning, Pledge of Allegiance,

Name cards, Finger Plays, Language Development, Colors, Numbers, Alphabet,

Calendar, Weather, Art, Scissors, Science, Sign Language, Cooking, Opposites,

Simple Math, Time, Games, Daily Living Skills, and ending with Large Motor Activities.

10:15-10:30: Snack Time, Diaper change/Potty Time

10:30-11:00: Art
11:00-12:00: Outdoor/Gym (Large Motor Skills)


Afternoon Program

12:00-1:00: Lunch Time, Diaper Change/Potty Time

1:00-3:00: Nap Time
3:00-3:15: Snack Time, Diaper Change/Potty Time
3:15-5:30: Outdoor Time/Gym, Structured Learning Center/Circle Time
4:45-5:00: Diaper Change/Potty Time
5:45-6:00: Prepare for Departure/Structured Learning Centers


Food Service

RLC follows the nutritional guidelines developed by the Association for Child Development. Menus are carefully and nutritionally planned.  We serve breakfast, hot/cold lunch, and two snacks.  



Breakfast (7:00a.m.): Grain, Fruit, and Milk 

Morning Snack (10:00a.m.): Grain, Fruit and/or Vegetable, and Water 

Lunch (12:00 p.m.): Grain, Protein, Fruit, Vegetable, and Water 

Afternoon Snack (3:00p.m.): Grain, Fruit and/or Vegetable,  and Water


*RLC is a peanut-free school and we do not serve honey. 

Whole milk: Infant Side

1% Milk and/or Fat-Free Milk: Preschool Side 


Fall Program

In the Fall, at the beginning of the average school year, Rebecca's Learning Center provides a stimulating environment for the young minds of your children. In addition to our daily lessons and "circle time", we offer many programs that we have carefully chosen to aid in the building of your child's education and knowledge. These programs are also fun for the children who enjoy learning in new creative, interactive ways!


Popular Fall Programs include:

Spanish at RLC: Throughout the school year, Rebecca's Learning Center offers a foreign language program. An outside company comes to the center and teaches Spanish to the children. 


Brainquest Workbook: Everyday from 8am-9am RLC works with children on an optional Brainquest Workbook. This workbook has many pages of helpful worksheets for the children to do to help them take that extra step in learning!


Summer Program

Summers at Rebecca’s Learning Center are packed with fun, enrichment, education, and a variety of field trips for children.  Many of our former students return to join younger siblings and friends for Summer Camp as “alumni”, and a fun break from their first and second years of Elementary School. 


Every July/August and April/May we finalize our Fall and Summer Program agendas, so parents can pre-register and relax, knowing their children are all set to enjoy a variety of programs to keep them active, stimulated and entertained all year long.   


Popular Summer events include:​

  • Stranger Danger Safety Week:

    • Police Officer Visit & Tour of Police Car

    • Safety Awards​


  • Picnic / Ice Cream Social / Ice Cream Days: Please provide your child with a packed lunch with a beverage and an ice pack! We do not allow peanut products or hot meals. ​


  • Haven Presentation: The children will be educated on the dangers of people they do not know and the difference between a "good touch" and a "bad touch". The presentation is done in a kid-friendly manner and is a great educational tool for your child to better understand safety. This requires parent authorization.


  • Cooking Week: Make a variety of special treats throughout the week!


  • Science Alive Visit:  Live parrots, turtles, snakes, chinchillas, critters, bugs, dirt and much more!​


  • Pet Week: Bring your pet to school to meet your friends! (some safety restrictions) Sign up on sign up genius to bring in your pet to share with the other students.

201 East Wise Road, Commerce Twp., MI 48382

©2021 by Rebecca's Learning Center. 

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